Already Monday, have started a working day.
I don’t have a motivation for work in the first day after day-off.
I thought this mind was only when younger age. But it is not real, I don’t like Monday even over 40-years old.
How can I solve this mind? Or, keep until retired unless I quit employee?
I have to start my own business.
It’s already Monday, and the workday has started.
I don’t feel motivated to work on the first day after a day off.
I used to think this feeling would only happen when I was younger.
But it is not true.
I still don’t like Mondays, even now that I’m over 40.
How can I overcome this feeling?
Or do I just have to live with it until I retire, unless I quit my job?]
I need to start my own business.
- “have started a working day” → “the workday has started”
- 「仕事が始まった」という意味では、この方が自然です。
- “I don’t have a motivation” → “I don’t feel motivated”
- 「motivationがない」という表現は、「feel motivated(やる気を感じない)」の方が自然です。
- “this mind” → “this feeling”
- 「mind」よりも「feeling(気持ち、感情)」の方が適切です。
- “only when younger age” → “only happen when I was younger”
- 「若い頃だけ起こると思った」という自然な表現に修正しました。
- “But it is not real” → “But it’s not true”
- 「real(現実)」ではなく、「true(事実)」が適切です。
- “keep until retired unless I quit employee” → “live with it until I retire, unless I quit my job”
- 「この気持ちを持ち続ける」ことを「live with it(それを抱えて生きる)」に言い換え、より自然な表現にしました。
- “quit employee” → “quit my job”
- 「社員を辞める」ではなく「仕事を辞める」の方が自然です。