On Oct 18, 2024: CEATEC Exhibition: Many Foreign Companies and Visitors?

I visited CEATEC exibition at Makuhari in Chiba on October 18 in 2024.

I have been this exibition since 15 years.

Which contry’s companies do this exibition entry? Almost all Japanese companies have been entried, my guess over 80% companies are Japanese company. But rest of the companies are from overseas such as Taiwan, China, European conpanies.

And small amount of visitors were foreign people. So, I think CEATEC is suited for Japan.



I visited the CEATEC exibition at Makuhari in Chiba on October 18, 2024.

I visited this exibition for the first time in 15 years.

Which countries’ companies participate in this exhibition?

Almost all the participants are Japanese companies – my guess is that over 80% are from Japan.

However, the rest are from overseas, such as Taiwan, China, and European countries.

There were also a small number of foreign visitors, so I think CEATEC is well-suited for Japan.

Explanation of Changes:

  1. “I have been this exibition since 15 years”
    • Corrected to: “I have been attending this exhibition for 15 years.”
      • “have been” needs to be followed by a verb in this context: “attending.”
      • Use “for 15 years” (duration) instead of “since 15 years” (incorrect usage).
  2. “Which contry’s companies do this exibition entry?”
    • Corrected to: “Which countries’ companies participate in this exhibition?”
      • “contry’s” should be “countries’,” since you are referring to multiple countries.
      • “do this exhibition entry” is awkward, so I changed it to “participate in this exhibition.”
  3. “Almost all Japanese companies have been entried”
    • Corrected to: “Almost all the participants are Japanese companies.”
      • “have been entried” is incorrect. “Participants” is a better word.
  4. “my guess over 80% companies are Japanese company”
    • Corrected to: “my guess is that over 80% are from Japan.”
      • This phrasing is more concise and natural.
  5. “European conpanies”“European countries” (typo fixed).
  6. “And small amount of visitors were foreign people”
    • Corrected to: “There were also a small number of foreign visitors.”
  7. “So, I think CEATEC is suited for Japan.”
    • Slightly refined to: “So, I think CEATEC is well-suited for Japan.”
      • “well-suited” makes the sentence sound more natural and professional.

This version improves clarity and fluency while maintaining the original meaning.

“CEATEC Exhibition: Many Foreign Companies and Visitors?”


  1. 見出しの構造:
    • 「CEATEC」と「Exhibition」をつなげて、「展示会」としての正式名称を強調しています。
    • “:”(コロン)を使うことで、主題(CEATEC Exhibition)と質問(Many Foreign Companies and Visitors?)をわかりやすく区切っています。
  2. “Many Foreign Companies and Visitors?”
    • 「多くの外国企業と訪問者が?」という形で、疑問形にすることで読者の興味を引きます。
    • 記事の中で、自分の観察結果(実際には日本企業が多く、訪問者もほとんど日本人)を伝えるため、このタイトルの疑問形は自然な流れにつながります。



“I visited this exhibition for the first time in 15 years.”


  1. “for the first time in 15 years”
    • 「15年ぶり」という意味を英語で表現する自然なフレーズです。
    • “since 15 years” は不自然な表現で、過去の特定の期間を指す場合には “for the first time in X years” を使います。
  2. 例文:
    • 「私は10年ぶりに彼に会いました」→ “I met him for the first time in 10 years.”
    • 「5年ぶりにコンサートに行きました」→ “I went to a concert for the first time in 5 years.”


“I visited this exhibition for the first time in 15 years.”


  1. “I have been attending this exhibition for 15 years.”
    • この文は「この展示会に15年間ずっと参加してきました」という意味です。毎年欠かさず通っている場合などに使います。
    • 「ぶり」というニュアンスは含まれません。
  2. “I visited this exhibition for the first time in 15 years.”
    • こちらは「15年ぶりにこの展示会に行きました」という意味です。
    • 以前行ったことはあるが、今回は久しぶりの参加だと伝えたいときに使います。





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