I’m a mentor for new callege graduate employee from Octor, 2024.
I ordered to attend a certain meeting to him because of his learning.
But he rejected it that he said he was busy.
I don’t feel well. So, I will order a severe trainig program next time.
I’m a mentor for a new college graduate employee starting from October 2024.
I assinged him to attend a certain meeting for his learning.
However, he refused, saying he was busy.
I don’t feel good about this, so I plan to assign him a more rigorous trainig program next time.
- “new callege graduate employee” → “new college graduate employee”
- “college” のスペルミスを修正しました。
- “I ordered to attend a certain meeting to him” → “I assigned him to attend a certain meeting”
- “order” は「命令する」という強い意味になるため、ここでは「割り当てる」の意味に近い “assign” を使いました。
- “But he rejected it that he said he was busy” → “However, he refused, saying he was busy”
- “But” を “However” に変更し、フォーマルな文脈にしました。
- “rejected it that he said” も不自然なので、シンプルに “refused, saying he was busy” としました。
- “I don’t feel well” → “I don’t feel good about this”
- 体調が悪いわけではなく「このことに不満を感じる」という意味なので、“I don’t feel good about this” が適切です。
- “order a severe trainig program” → “assign a more rigorous training program”
- “severe” は「厳しい」という意味ですが、文脈によっては「過酷すぎる」という印象になるため、“more rigorous”(より厳しい)の方が自然です。