On Oct 13, 2024: Buy meat at Costco Gunma Maebashi with my family

Our family like grilled meat party in our house.

My wife is Korean, so our family used to eat Korean grilled pork, so called “Samugyopusaru”. Especially my 13-years old son likes it. Almost every week, we eat grilled pork using large flied pun, hot plate.

We bought high quality pork and beef at Cstco. We enjoy them on weekend.



Our family loves having grilled meat parties at home.

Since my wife is Korean, we often eat Korean grilled pork, also known as “Samgyoeopsal”.

My 13-year old son especailly enjoys it.

Almost every week, we grill pork using a large frying pan or hot plate.

We bought high-quality pork and beef at Cstco.

We enjoy grilling and eating them on the weekends.

タイトル: Buy Meat at Costco Gunma Maebashi with My Family

→ このタイトルはそのまま使えますが、「Gumma」のスペルミスを「Gunma」に修正しました。地名や固有名詞は正確に書くことが大切です。


  1. “Our family like grilled meat party in our house.”
    • 修正: “Our family loves having grilled meat parties at home.”
    • 解説: “like” は「好き」という意味ですが、「loves」の方がより強い「大好き」という意味を伝えます。また、”grilled meat party” ではなく “grilled meat parties” と複数形にして、家で何度も行うことを自然に表現しました。”at home” の方が “in our house” より自然な言い方です。
  2. “My wife is Korean, so our family used to eat Korean grilled pork, so called ‘Samugyopusaru’.”
    • 修正: “Since my wife is Korean, we often eat Korean grilled pork, also known as ‘Samgyeopsal.'”
    • 解説: “used to” は「以前は〜していた」という過去の習慣を示しますが、ここでは今でも食べているので、”often”(よく)に変更しました。”so called” ではなく、”also known as”(〜としても知られている)を使う方が正確です。また、”Samugyopusaru” のスペルを「Samgyeopsal」に修正しました。
  3. “Especially my 13-years old son likes it.”
    • 修正: “My 13-year-old son especially loves it.”
    • 解説: 「13-years old」は「13-year-old」のように表記します。”especially likes” よりも “especially loves” の方が自然です。
  4. “Almost every week, we eat grilled pork using large flied pun, hot plate.”
    • 修正: “Almost every week, we grill pork using a large frying pan or hot plate.”
    • 解説: “flied pun” はおそらく「frying pan」の誤りなので修正しました。また、文法的に「frying pan or hot plate」とした方が「大きなフライパンかホットプレートで焼く」という意味が自然に伝わります。
  5. “We bought high quality pork and beef at Cstco. We enjoy them on weekend.”
    • 修正: “We bought high-quality pork and beef at Costco. We enjoy grilling and eating them on the weekends.”
    • 解説: “high quality” にはハイフン(-)を入れて “high-quality” とし、”Cstco” のスペルを「Costco」に修正しました。”on weekend” は “on the weekends” にして、複数の週末にわたることを表現しました。





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